28th February, 2021
Global Joint Statement on the Indictment of 47 Hong Kong Political Activists
On the 28th February, 2021, 47 Hong Kong democrats and activists were charged with conspiracy to commit subversion under the National Security Law (NSL), which Beijing illegally implemented in Hong Kong without due process. Despite being scheduled to report to the Hong Kong Police on a later date (8th April), the 47 democrats and activists were served a short notice 2 days ago to report today (28th February) instead, and were immediately detained until being brought before the court to face their charges tomorrow.
All 47 detainees are pro-democracy activists involved in the unofficial primaries prior to last year’s legislative council election. They include the organizers of the primaries such as Benny Tai (戴耀廷), Au Nok-Hin (區諾軒), and Andrew Chiu (趙家賢); as well as candidates on the ballots such as Joshua Wong (黃之鋒), who is already serving a sentence in prison, and Ted Hui (許智峯) and Sunny Cheung (張崑陽), who have been forced into exile. The primaries aimed to foster better coordination of candidacies between electoral districts, which would be unremarkable and legal in most countries, but in the eyes of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) it was already an attempt at subversion and overthrowing its one-party rule. The NSL is now being used as a weapon to suppress, persecute, and eradicate any pro-democracy endeavors in Hong Kong.
We unequivocally condemn the aforementioned mass arrest, which runs against the universal values of freedom and democracy. This is a clear human rights violation and in breach of the Sino-British Joint Declaration. We call upon all governments and civil organizations of the world that uphold our universal values of human rights, freedom, and democracy to stand with Hong Kong at this time, to condemn the mass arrest, and to confront the CCP with concrete actions. All governments must actively resist this erosion of freedom and democracy by the CCP, lest what happens to Hong Kong today slowly but surely encroach upon them.
Co-signatories: (Please order by country)
- Fight for Freedom. Stand with Hong Kong. (重光團隊) Twitter: @Stand_with_HK | Facebook: @StandwithHK
- Hong Kong Liberty (攬炒團隊) @HKLiberty_Team
- Hong Kong Global Connect (港民國際連橫) Twitter: @HKGlobalConnect
- Lady Liberty Hong Kong 香港民主女神 @hkladyliberty
- Australia Hong Kong Link @auhklink
- Adelaide Stand With Hong Kong
- Canberra Hong Kong Concern Group
- Hong Kong International Alliance Brisbane (HKIA Brisbane)
- NSW HongKongers @nswhongkongers
- Victoria HongKongers Association (Australia)
- Stand With Hong Kong Vienna
- Alliance Canada Hong Kong
- Canada-Hong Kong Link
- Halifax-Hong Kong Link
- McGill Hong Kong Public Awareness and Social Service @mcgillhk
- McMaster Stands With Hong Kong @mcmaster_swhk
- Torontonian Hong Kongers Action Group
- Vancouver Society in Support of Democratic Movement @VSSDM1
- Winnipeg Hong Kong Concern @wpghkc
- Comité pour la liberte a Hongkong (居法港人撐香港) @SolidarityWithHK
- Frankfurt Stands With Hong Kong @FrankfurtStandsWithHK
- Germany Stands with Hong Kong @germany_with_hk
- Hongkonger in Deutschland e.V. (香港人在德國協會) @hkerinde
- Internationale Gesellschaft für Menschenrechte @IGFM
- Wir für Hongkong @w4hongkong
Hong Kong:
- Citizens’ Press Conference 民間記者會 (TG channel: t.me/citizenspresscon; FB: @hkercpc; IG: www.instagram.com/citizenspresscon; YouTube: https://bit.ly/2OVdv6T; Twitter: @CitizensPC)
- Free Hong Kong - Support from India
- Dawn of Hong Kong (香港の夜明け) @DawnofHongKong
- Stand with HK@JPN @StandwithHK_JPN
- Netherlands for Hong Kong (Twitter: @NLForHK)
New Zealand:
- YellowPower NZ
- Hong Kong Committee in Norway (挪威香港文化協會) @standwithhk.norway
- PL4HK - Supporting Hong Kong from Poland @PL4HK
United Kingdom:
- Democracy for Hong Kong (D4HK)
- Thailand Hong Kong Together
- Global Solidarity with Hong Kong - Chicago (芝援香港)
- Hong Kong Forum, Los Angeles (HKFLA)
- Hong Kong Social Action Movements in Boston (FB@hksambos; IG@hksamboston)
- Lamp of Liberty
- Lion Rock Café (New York) / 獅山冰室 (紐約)
- New Yorkers supporting Hong Kong @NY4HK
- Northern California Hong Kong Club @ncal.hkclub
- San Francisco HongKongers Bot (三藩市香港人公海)
- SEArious For HKG (西雅圖香港民主監察小組)
- Seattle Hong Kong Students Alliance (西雅圖香港學生聯盟 SEAhksa)
- DC4HK - Washingtonians Supporting Hong Kong (FB/IG@DC4HK, Twitter@dc4_hk)
- We The Hongkongers (@wethehongkongers)